Wednesday 19 August 2015

Composting with Sarah Langi!

We learned how to make a compost! We learned the difference between greens and browns and that an effective compost pile has layers of each. We put in browns like hay, pea straw, dead leaves and paper. We put in greens like food scraps, horse poo and seaweed. Compost also needed water and warmth. When the worms eat the greens and browns they turn it into rich soil, great for growing vegetables. Take a look!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

How to have a zero waste lunch!

We were lucky to have Sarah Langi come to teach us about how to pack in-pack out with our lunchboxes. We joined in with Room 12 and had to identify the types of rubbish that comes to school and how to minimise it. We learned that plastic and cling wrap are bad for the earth in landfills. Things like food scraps and paper are ok because they can be composted back into the earth. 
Take a look at us as we learn how to be a zero hero! Thank you Sarah!

Cling wrap is bad for the environment and animals.

We ranked lunchboxes with most to least rubbish.

Davina is placing the zero hero lunchbox on top.

Lunchboxes with compartments are great because we don't need to wrap up our food.

Small washable containers can also be used to hold things like grapes, nuts or crackers. 

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Room one have been learning about oral health this term. We have been discussing smart snack decisions such as fruit and vegetables that don't have much sugar. If we eat sugary foods like chocolate or cake, the bacteria in our mouths reacts to the sugar and creates plaque acid. If we don't brush our teeth twice a day, it could lead to decay and our teeth may rot. We want to keep our teeth beautiful and healthy so we don't lose them forever.
Take a look at an experiment we did using Yeast (the live bacteria) and sugar in warm water (like our mouths). The foam is like the plaque on our teeth after eating a bad snack! It was quite stinky!

Here we added the yeast to the warm water.

We added sugar to one of the glasses of yeasty water.

Look at all that 'plaque' in the glass with the sugar! 

Smart snack=almost no plaque           Bad snack=lots of fuzzy plaque!